Weekends are for family and fun…

1300 4 GARDENING offers COMPLETE garden services within the Anstead region.


Hedging Services

Complete Garden Services

Facts about Ascot

The suburb of Ascot is a well-established inner city suburb of Brisbane. For the past 20 years, our crew has provided this suburb with a wide variety of services. What makes this suburb unique, is the large Queenslander homes that line the streets. It is 7km from the Brisbane CBD and only 10km from the airport, making it a great central location. Ascot is also in close proximity to Brisbane’s Portside Wharf, where cruise ships are seen regularly coming and going. Ascot knows that 1300 4 Gardening will deliver a high quality service that is expected in the area. Residents of this suburb are fortunate to have a very popular market, East Street Northshore, which is open every Friday and Saturday night. This street food market is a great family outing, where you will find every cuisine imaginable. Ascot is also the home of Eagle Farm Racecourse, where popular racing events occur in the winter months. The racecourse is also utilized every Sunday, as the location for the Eagle Farm Markets. For a short outing, you can head towards the city where you’ll find Brisbane’s historic Breakfast Creek Hotel, built in 1889. Alternatively, an enjoyable time can be had exploring the shops and restaurants at the Portside Wharf. To end the day, you can head out to one of Ascots restaurants for a great meal and entertainment for the kids. Ascots #1 Garden Service Company can come and solve all of your gardening needs while you have fun on your weekend.

Where the locals eat according to Tripadvisor

  • Thai Town Hamilton
  • Tosca Browns
  • Henriz
  • Botanical Motel
  • Izzy’s Tavern

Gardening Tips for Ascot

There are generally 4 different types of hedges; Formal, Informal, Topiaries and General privacy.
Many people do not realise the importance of regular hedge trimming, especially for formal hedges. Whether this is done yourself or you instate a regular hedging service by 1300 4 Gardening, it is a practice that needs to be adopted to keep your hedges looking the best they can.
Some of the things that need to be considered in doing this are:

· The style of trimming to suit your hedges
· The time of year that you decide to trim
· The frequency of trimming required

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With endless possibilities to enjoy your weekends with family and friends, why not just give us a call at 1300 4 Gardening, for any work required at Ascot 1300 442 733 or book now.

You might as well, as weekends are for family and fun!!